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The Spiritual Significance of Tzitzit | Shelach 5784 Torah Reflections
Tzitzit and Tallit Traditions | Shelach 5784 Torah Reflections
The Commandments in Tzitzit | Shelach 5784 Torah Reflections
Embracing Diverse Opinions in Torah | Shelach 5784 Torah Reflections
Transgressions and Forgiveness | Shelach 5784 Torah Reflections
Trust, Leadership, and Faith | Shelach 5784 Torah Reflections
SHOW NOTES: Breakfast with Elli - MONDAY - 16 October 2023 - 1 MarCheshvan - 5784 - ROSH CHODESH
Kol Nidre Service Sunday, September 24, 2023 • 9 Tishrei 5784
Weekly Torah Portions: Korach — Yehuda Bachana